Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action

Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action Update – January 13, 2025

Reminder that on January 28, 2025, Justice Dilts will hear oral submissions regarding the sequencing application made by the Alberta government. All relevant materials have been filed and are accessible below. 
The public and affected parties can attend in person at the Calgary court house or they can view the proceedings online via the following link to Virtual Courtroom 02: (”
Date: Jan 28, 2025 10:00 AM 
Style of Cause: 2401 05557 – SAKAMOTO, CARRIE v. ATTORNEY GENERAL OF CANADA Presiding Justice: DILTS, J Virtual Courtroom Link: Virtual Courtroom 02:
Important Instructions
– Please ensure your video is turned off and your microphone is muted during the session.
– recording or rebroadcasting of the video is strictly prohibited.

Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action Update – November 15, 2021

Following our last court appearance on October 16, 2024, Alberta has filed a sequencing motion requesting the Court to establish a process allowing them to apply to strike the lawsuit before the certification application is heard.  Justice Dilts is scheduled to hear this application on January 28, 2025, at 10:00 AM.

The following schedule has been agreed upon, and documents will be made available on our website as they are filed and served:

  • October 25, 2024: Alberta deadline for Sequencing Application.
  • November 1, 2024: Alberta deadline for Sequencing Brief.
  • November 15, 2024: Canada deadline for Sequencing Brief.
  • November 29, 2024: Plaintiff deadline for sequencing Brief.
  • January 28, 2025 at 10:00 AM: Case Management Conference at the Calgary Courthouse.

We will continue to provide updates and post relevant documents on our website as the case progresses.

Documents to Date:

Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action Update – October 11, 2021

The Case Management Hearing scheduled with Justice Dilts will be available for online viewing. Below are the details you need to join the session:

Date and Time:

  • October 16, 2024, at 10:00 AM (Mountain Time, UTC-06:00)

Join Online:

    • Virtual Courtroom Link:

PLEASE NOTE – Recording or rebroadcasting of this hearing is strictly prohibited.

Documents related to this matter that have been filed to date are available for viewing online – see links BELOW.

We encourage all interested parties to observe the proceedings.


Summary Covid-19 Vaccine Class Action Lawsuit

Rath & Company has commenced a Class Action lawsuit against the federal government and the provincial government of Alberta on behalf of those in Alberta harmed by the Covid-19 vaccines (the “Covid Vaccines”). This legal action is centered around allegations of unlawful, negligent, inadequate, improper, unfair, and deceptive practices by the Defendants in relation to the warning, marketing, promotion, and distribution of the Covid Vaccines.

Carrie Sakamoto, a young mother from Lethbridge who sustained severe, permanent physical and emotional injuries and damages from the Covid Vaccines is listed as class representative for the proposed Class Action lawsuit.

If you are among those affected and are interested in joining this Class Action lawsuit as a member of the group, we invite you to register with us. To do so, please complete our intake form.

This is an intake form for use by our legal team. Information provided in this form will be used to assist us in moving the Class Action case forward.

If the Court permits the action to proceed as a “Class Action” (this is called “Certification”), you may be a Class Member. You will receive a notice if the action is Certified that will explain your rights as a Class Member.

Please Complete this Form to the best of your ability and it will be sent directly to:

To Review the Vaccine Class Action Documents:

  • Vaccine Statement of Claim
  • Application by Plaintiff
  • Affidavit of Carrie Sakamoto
  • Affidavit of Tracey Bradley

Press Release For Vaccine Class Action Law Suit.

Vaccine Losses Class Action Intake Form

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Class Action Lawsuit?
A class action lawsuit is a legal action where a group of people collectively brings a claim to court. This type of lawsuit is distinct from individual cases, as it represents the interests and seeks compensation for a class of people who have been affected by similar acts of negligence or harmful practices. Class-action suits provide a more comprehensive approach to addressing widespread issues, allowing for a collective voice in legal proceedings. These lawsuits can be instrumental in achieving justice for a larger group and can potentially set precedents for future legal and protective standards.
What is certification?

The court must first assess whether the claim should be advanced in the form of a class action. The court will consider whether the claim shows an appropriate cause of action, an identifiable class of persons, and issues that are shared in common. The court will also determine whether a class action is a preferable procedure, and whether there is an appropriate representative plaintiff. If the class action is certified by the court, the representative plaintiff or plaintiffs will advance the case on behalf of all class members.

Am I a class member?

When a class action is certified, a definition of the class is provided. If you are an individual class member meeting the class description, then you do not need to sign up to be part of the class action – you are automatically included.

If you were harmed by the Covid Vaccine in Alberta and wish to register with us as a member of the group, please fill out the intake form.
Do I have to pay to be part of the class action?
No. This class action will proceed on a contingency fee basis.  This means that the lawyers bringing the action will only be paid if the class action succeeds. If successful, the lawyers will be paid a portion of the settlement or judgment, but only if the Court approves.