Cows and Plows Settlement

Summary of the Cows and Plows Settlement

The Cows and Plows settlements are a series of agreements between the Canadian government and First Nations to address Canada’s failure to provide agricultural benefits promised in Treaties 5, 6, and 10. These benefits, which included plows, seed, livestock, and training, were intended to support First Nations’ transition to an agricultural economy.

First Nations have long sought redress for the government’s failure to deliver on these treaty promises. To that end negotiations led by Rath & Company led to a series of successful financial settlements obtained in 2017 for the designated beneficiaries of Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation and Tall Cree First Nation.

These financial settlements acknowledged the historical injustices and are intended to provide a measure of compensation to each individual beneficiary of record for the economic losses suffered.

Cows & Plows Applications

Please send all applications for the Cows & Plows and applications for the Minor’s Interest Withdrawal Requests to our office (preferably via Registered Mail, [approx. $11.00], as you can see when we receive it as we do not keep track of incoming mail due to volumes) or via Purolator Courier:

282050 Highway 22 W
Foothills, AB  T0L 1W2

We cannot accept Cows & Plows applications via FAX or EMAIL.

Cows and Plows Information Request Form

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the settlement funds be managed?

The designated beneficiaries of each First Nation have voted and approved that a segregated trust fund be established for the beneficiaries of each First Nation and that Rath & Company be appointed as the legal Trustee to manage and distribute the trust settlement funds to the designated beneficiaries.

The Trustee will ensure that the settlement funds are managed responsibly and are administered and paid out to the designated beneficiaries, once verified, for their individual benefit.

Will I receive a direct payment from the settlement?

If you are a designated beneficiary on the record of settlement for the applicable First Nation – you are entitled to an individual payment from the trust account, once your application is verified and when you reach the age of majority (18 or 19) in the province where you reside.

What is the application process to receive my payment?

Each designated beneficiary must submit a completed application form to Rath & Company in the year that you will reach the age of majority (18 or 19) along with two pieces of approved identification, a completed Guarantor. attestation from and your bank account information. A qualified Guarantor (listed on the bottom of the form) will verify your ID is valid and provide you with a copy of the front and back of your ID and sign that it was the ID they saw. Please ensure your form is filled out in full.

Rath & Company will verify your application and once approved will pay and deposit your funds into your individual bank account.

How do I get a status update on my application?

Please contact Rath & Company in writing by using e-mail at the below designated e-mail addresses for your First Nation.

Sturgeon Lake Cree Nation Trust Inquiries:

Tall Cree First Nation Trust Inquiries:

 We will correspond with you on email concerning the status of your application and if required obtain any missing information to approve your application.